Experience & Clients

Clients, customers, and projects where we have deciphered identity to solve problems

Experience & Authorship

Resources for Mobile & Digital ID

Presentations by David Kelts

We've written the foremost explanatory articles on Digital Identity, Mobile Driver's License, and how your business or agency can accept Mobile IDs.

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Mobile Driver's License (mDL), the beginnings and a decade in the making...

In 2013, a brilliant mobile team led by Dan Poder and Rich Huber at MorphoTrust (now IDEMIA) rendered a driver's license on a phone for the State of Iowa.  It quickly became apparent that "fakes" were too easy to create on computers if you showed your mDL (a Flash Pass).  But the idea caught on. Over the next 5-years, a collaborative group of engineers, architects, and product people from dozens of companies spent years solving for trustworthiness and writing ISO/IEC 18013-5.  Then, once the first pilot implementations appeared, Apple, Google, Samsung, and the wallet vendors joined, International Governments ratified the privacy aspects of mDL so that they could protect their citizens, and Mobile Driver's Licenses became official in 2021.  The market is building and now needs Relying Parties (businesses and agencies that accept mDL) for a privacy-protecting, fraud-reducing ecosystem.

Illuminate your path into Digital Identity

David's impact comes from his breadth and depth of knowledge, that he knows nearly every player in the space and what they intend to do, and  he has an understanding of how to apply standards.  When people think mDL, they call David Kelts.